About jamesmessengerjdg

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So far jamesmessengerjdg has created 27 blog entries.

Baseball Softball UK making use of GameDay’s product ecosystem to simplify live streaming

Baseball Softball UK are utilising the GameDay and Stack Sports product ecosystem to enhance their digital broadcasting abilities, thanks to the support of Stack Streaming - the newest addition to the Stack Sports family.

By |2023-12-17T13:11:57+01:00August 25, 2023|Latest News|Comments Off on Baseball Softball UK making use of GameDay’s product ecosystem to simplify live streaming

GameDay partner with Triathlon NZ on new membership platform

GameDay are excited to announce their latest NZ-based sporting NSO partnership, with the launch of the Triathlon New Zealand membership platform which will look to streamline their membership registration services nationally. 

By |2023-11-14T14:16:30+01:00August 16, 2023|Media Release|Comments Off on GameDay partner with Triathlon NZ on new membership platform

GameDay and English Ice Hockey Association launch new partnership

GameDay are excited to announce their latest UK sporting NGB partnership, with the launch of the English Ice Hockey Association’s new digital platform to support management of the sport across the national game. 

By |2023-07-28T10:11:55+01:00July 28, 2023|Latest News, Media Release|Comments Off on GameDay and English Ice Hockey Association launch new partnership
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