Product Announcement: Providing Flexible Payment Options

By Published On: November 17, 2020Categories: Product Announcement

Stack Sports is committed to providing our users with the latest payments technology and competitive rates in turn providing your members and participants with flexible and more payment options than ever before.

On the back of our recent announcements about our exciting new partnership with Openpay and our renewed agreement with PayPal and Braintree as our primary payment gateway partner, below are some further details about the exciting changes to be rolled out over the coming months.

PayPal Best Practice Implementation + Additional Payment Options

  • Implementing changes to enhance the consumer payment experience
  • Ability to save Credit Card or PayPal payment method details for future use
  • Additional payment options via Apple Pay & Google Pay
  • Additional card verification related to fraud protection
  • Extending PayPal to additional currencies
    • New Zealand Dollar (NZD $)
    • Pound Sterling (GBP £)
    • US Dollar (USD $)
    • EURO (€) 
  • Extending Credit Card/Debit Card Payments to additional currencies in GameDay
    • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
    • EURO (€) 
    • Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
    • Singapore Dollar (SGD)
    • South African Rand (ZAR)

Openpay Product Implementation

  • Openpay payment gateway integration will give consumers the ability to pay for membership and event registration fees in interest-free instalments over various plans ranging between 2-month, 3-month, 4-month or 6-month payment plans
  • Organisations offering Openpay to their members will be able to provide flexible payment terms without compromising their cash flow as the risk will be taken on by Openpay for the cost of a small premium merchant fee
  • Funds will be settled to your organisation upfront, in full for all transactions via the Openpay payment gateway via the existing settlement process
  • Openpay payment gateway will be activated for all Organisations by default with the ability for an Organisation to opt-out of offering this payment option via financial settings
  • Openpay will be offered to customers transacting in:
    • Australian Dollar (AUD $)
    • Pound Sterling (GBP £)
  • Plans to extend this to New Zealand Dollar (NZD $) during 2021

Want to work with GameDay? Get in touch with us here!

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