GameDay Release Notes: March 2020

By Published On: March 31, 2020Categories: GameDay, GameDay Release Notes

Our latest releases focused on the following;

New Features:

  • Document Management functionality – Click here for more details
    • Ability for admins to add Document Upload sections to registration forms
    • Ability to upload profile picture via registration form
    • Ability to upload documents via registration form
    • Ability for admins to upload documents to a member record
    • Ability for admins to upload documents to an organisation
    • Ability for admins to manage uploaded documents and images for members & organisations
  • Additional Date Range Filters in Tabular Reports – Click here for more details
  • Additional UI responsiveness for pages with tables when using Tablet or Mobile devices
  • Other general system and security enhancements


  • Removed the ability to delete a registration form question if there are dependancies on that question within the form
  • Display of “Declined” member type status in member detail page if using Pending Registrations
  • When creating a new Organisation, address fields are now mandatory
  • Issue refund button will no longer be enabled for any offline orders


  • Pick-list questions will now require at least one answer option created
  • Enforce a month to be selected in the “Financial Year Start” field in the Organisation Details in organisation detail screen
  • Saving of conditional product description
  • Reverting back to the original when a logo upload is cancelled
  • Some other minor bug fixes and resolving support requests

Want to work with GameDay? Get in touch with us here!

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